by Dr. Amber Hincks LAcFood should taste
good, right? So why are so many medicines bitter? There are bitter flavor receptors throughout the whole body, and just like the other flavors, the bitter flavor has specific biochemical actions that we can benefit from. The 5 flavors are one of the most important concepts of Chinese Herbalism and food therapy. Here is a rundown of how each of the 5 flavors - spicy, sweet, bitter, sour, and salty - functions in your body.
Spicy (or Acrid): Metal Element, Lung and Large Intestine
The spicy flavor generally indicates that a substance contains more essential oils. These substances are aromatic and dispersing in nature. Essential oils tend to dilate surface blood vessels, causing sweating and changes to circulation in the skin and joints. Spicy substances also stimulate mucous secretion, so while a moderate amount is good for the Lungs and Large Intestine, too much spicy can contribute to pathology in these organs.
Examples: cinnamon, ginger, clove, cardamom, mint
Uses: stimulate circulation to treat pain, promote sweating to fight cold virus
Sweet: Earth Element, Spleen and Stomach
In nature, the sweet flavor comes primarily from carbohydrate constituents (sugars, starches, pectins) and proteins. The sweet taste is pleasing. These are nutrients we need for survival, and so it makes sense for us to desire the sweet flavor. But historically the sweet flavor was often more subtle, as with root vegetables. In Chinese medicine, sweet is generally considered to have a tonic quality, building Qi and Blood. Sweet is also calming, soothing (reduces irritation), and generates fluids.
Examples: sweet potato, astragalus, goji berries, walnuts, dates
Uses: Boost Qi and blood, build tissues, calming
Bitter: Fire Element, Heart and Small Intestine
The bitter flavor drains heat and cleanses in Chinese Medicine, this means it is used for treating inflammation. We don’t want to ingest too much bitter food for long period of time because it can leave us depleted. But the judicious use of bitter substances is important medicine. There are several golden yellow herbs in both Eastern and Western herbalism that contain the alkaloid Berberine, known for its bitterness - goldenseal, coptis, oregon grape, phellodendron to name a few. The bitter taste is associated with the heart in Chinese Medicine. The alkaloids and glycosides commonly found in bitter plants help explain this relationship, as the Chinese heart system corresponds mainly to the nervous system and circulatory system, the two systems mainly impacted by these constituents. Bitter herbs are also often antimicrobial so they are good for fighting infections and reducing mucus secretion.
Examples: dandelion, echinacea, nettle
Uses: detox, infection, inflammation, agitation
Sour: Wood Element, Liver and Gall Bladder
Sour is a flavor found primarily in fruits, though some minerals and roots, such as Peony root, are considered sour. Wine and vinegar both also have some sour property. Sour herbs are moistening and soothing, helping to relax contracted muscles and tendons. They may also have an astringent effect, preventing leakage of sweat or other body fluids. Overly flexible people may find that sour foods make the condition worse.
Examples: schisandra, hawthorn, rose, quince
Uses: relax muscles, stop spasm, stop sweating and discharge
Salty: Water Element, Kidney and Bladder
In herbal medicine any animal products are considered salty. Often these substances are deeply nourishing, such as horns, or bones, which are cooked down. Shells, seaweeds and some minerals are salty as well. Here the salty flavor helps soften areas of hardness, such as masses and swellings. In these cases, the salty flavor does not come from adding sodium chloride to foods. Indeed we know that too much of this salt can damage the kidneys and elevate blood pressure. But small amounts of salt are good for the kidneys.
Examples: kelp, oyster shell, deer antler
Uses: masses, tonics, not as often used therapeutically
Consider your body’s needs and whether you might need a bit more of a particular flavor. What flavors do you crave and what does that tell you?

A large portion of Amber's practice is focused on women's health and fertility. This includes pregnant women with their myriad of complaints and ailments. Let’s face it, as much as we may look like glowing goddesses, a pregnant body can be very uncomfortable. Here are some of the things acupuncture can treat in pregnancy, a time when other treatment options are limited.
Morning (ALL DAY) Sickness: can start as early as your missed period, and in some cases, last the whole pregnancy. Both herbs and acupuncture are effective at reducing symptoms to get you through the worst of it. We also work with you on specific dietary modifications to help ease nausea.
Fatigue: It is hard work making a tiny human, so we all can use a little help. Your blood volume alone can increase by up to 50%. These changes can tax your body on multiple fronts. Chinese medicine can help tune up what systems are lagging.
Headaches: maybe you had them with your menses in the past, well now your hormones are giving you even more headaches. Or maybe you decided to kick the caffeine that once sustained you. Whether it is tension headaches, sinuses or hormones, acupuncture can reduce the frequency and intensity.
Hip, Back, and Pelvic Pain: or any aches and pains really. This is really acupuncture’s specialty. Maintaining an exercise routine can help a lot too. But most women have to slow down and shifting joints, straining muscles, and ligaments can cause a lot of discomfort.
Swelling: sometimes swelling can indicate a larger issue, particularly if it coincides with elevated blood pressure. Acupuncture and herbs can help reduce swelling which then reduces the risk for more serious complications.
Insomnia, Carpal Tunnel, Labor preparation, Acid Reflux... Mamas, we’ve got you!
Dr. Amber Hincks, LAc is an acupuncturist and fellow with the American Board of Oriental Reproductive Medicine. She is also a trained birth doula and had a group acupuncture clinic for pregnant women.
by Dr. Amber Hincks LAc
Do you ever wonder why your acupuncturist chooses a certain point? There is always a reason and a unique set of points selected for you. But DU 20, Bai Hui (By-hway) is a point that almost every patient will have at one time or another. So, here’s the scoop on DU 20.
The name Bai Hui means 100 meetings, a reference to its position on the top of the head, where all of the Yang Qi of the body meets, and to the “100 diseases” that this point can treat. Its location makes it an essential point for raising clear Qi upward for the treatment of sinking Qi – fatigue, diarrhea, edema, heaviness of the body, prolapse, threatened miscarriage. But what makes this point so remarkable, is its regulating effect, raising up that which is sunken, but also descending excessive Qi in the head – dizziness, headaches, tinnitus, anxiety, agitation. It is often selected for its calming ability, while simultaneously nourishing and clearing the brain to support mental clarity. To top it off, DU 20 can also be a helpful point for back pain.
When a needle is inserted into DU 20, it can either be directed toward the back to descend Qi in the Governing vessel (DU), or directed toward the front (with the flow of the channel), to raise clear Qi and boost the brain. So, now you know why it feels so good to have a needle on the top of your head, and why you might just notice me walking around the clinic with one in mine.
by Dr. Amber Hincks LAc
Fertility treatments are commonly centered around the use of acupuncture and Chinese Herbs. Even so, nutrition and lifestyle counseling is also a core part of a holistic treatment plan. Often times this includes the use of supplements. I may suggest a supplement, people may come to me having been given supplements by another healthcare provider or they may simply be going off of a recommendation from a friend, book, or website. It can be difficult to sort through the information about many of these supplements and very few have reliable research to back up their claims.
I wanted to write a guide to supplements that might be a reference for my patients as well as for other health practitioners. This is not meant to be a be-all and end-all list, but should give an idea of when a supplement might be considered and what cautions might also be present, to help narrow down the field of possibilities. I have for the most part refrained from giving dosing information in this guide in part because I want to encourage patients to always have a discussion with their health care provider before starting a new medication or supplement. I hope to continue to add to this list so if you have any suggestions or resources for additional information, please forward them along. I could add many Chinese Herbs to this list, but for now I am keeping that information separate.
Prenatal Vitamins: I am in favor of a prenatal vitamin in most cases. Unless your diet is impeccable, most of us could use the boost from a well-rounded multivitamin. I often get asked about recommended brands and the whole foods versus traditional multivitamins. I like the idea of whole food vitamins, though I am not convinced that they choose the most bioavailable forms of vitamins like some other brands do and they often cost more.
Who should consider taking it? Most women of childbearing age
Cautions/Considerations: Taking on an empty stomach may cause nausea. Some prenatals contain iron, but if you are prone to constipation, you may want one without. Some advise to avoid folic acid in favor of methylfolate due to the prevalence of the MTHFR gene mutation.
Vitamin D: Vitamin D (D3) is not necessarily recommended in cases of infertility, but this important nutrient is vital for so many body processes, including many aspects of female reproduction, and most people are deficient. One study, conducted at an IVF center, found a four-fold difference in pregnancy rates among Vitamin D replete and Vitamin D deficient women. It is believed that the benefit of Vitamin D may be at the level of the uterine lining, but because this nutrient is involved in so many physiological processes, it is hard to say where the benefit lies.
Who should consider taking it? Anyone with low Vitamin D levels, which is almost everyone. The amount found in a multivitamin is general insufficient to raise levels, so doses of 2-5,000 IU daily may be recommended. In some cases even higher doses are recommended temporarily.
Cautions/Considerations: Toxicity is rare. What is of more concern is making sure the Vitamin D is absorbed appropriately. Vitamin D is fat soluable so it needs to be consumed with fats. I prefer taking it in oil based drops, which makes dosing easily adjustable. Additionally, recent research supports a synergistic affect with Vitamin K and Vitamin D, specifically Vitamin D3 and K2, both helping with proper absorption of calcium.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids: DHA and EPA are important fats that make up the membranes of all cells. There are many health benefits to taking an Omega-3 supplement. Maternal DHA levels directly impact brain and eye health in a developing fetus. Omega-3s are also potent antioxidants with anti-inflammatory qualities. Our diets tend to be too high is Omega-6s, another essential fatty acid, when compared with Omega-3s. Supplementing Omega-3s has been shown to improve fertility outcomes with higher rates of conception, decreased rates of miscarriage and a lower risk of preterm birth.
Who should consider taking it? Everyone. It is difficult to eat enough fish or flax to achieve optimum levels and mercury levels in many fish make it inadvisable to eat fish more than 1-2 times per week.
Cautions/Considerations: Good sources of Omega-3s are fish oil, from cold water fish that is wild caught, not farmed, or krill oil. Quality is important. For women who are pregnant or trying to conceive, seek an Omega-3 with an amount of DHA comparable to the amount of EPA. Most supplements contain greater amounts of EPA.
Cod Liver Oil/Fermented Cod Liver Oil: Fermented cod liver oil is a traditional super food, which may have additional benefits beyond those of cod liver oil. In either case, cod liver oil is a potential source of Omega-3s, though amounts may vary. It is also a good source of vitamins A, D & K. My skin is much smoother when I am consuming cod liver oil, most likely from the Vitamin A. But most physicians advise against cod liver in pregnancy because of the high Vitamin A; it may be toxic to the liver of the developing fetus.
Who should consider taking it? Anyone might want to consider taking this superfood, supported by many in the traditional food movement, as a source of multiple nutritionals - quality fats and vitamins to support cognitive and emotional health, as well as immune function.
Cautions/Considerations: If you are taking cod liver oil, I would discontinue it when you become pregnant. While I have heard some say it is okay to continue, I think most physicians would advise against it.
Evening Primrose Oil (EPO): Evening primrose oil is a source of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), an Omega-6 fatty acid. This Omega-6 is generally hard to come by in the diet. It is believed that GLA, as a series 1 prostaglandin, can really slow inflammation, particularly as related to spikes in Estrogen that happen when people are estrogen dominant, as well as the resulting insulin and testosterone spikes.
Who should consider taking it? People with signs of estrogen dominance or endometriosis might consider EPO while trying to conceive or for PMS, irregular periods, fibroids, breast tenderness and acne. It is also used to increase cervical mucous.
Cautions/Considerations: Because EPO has historically been used to promote uterine contractions, it should be discontinued once pregnant. Some sources also recommend stopping after ovulation while trying to conceive.
Coenzyme Q10: CoQ10 is an antioxidant that fuels the mitochondria, the energy producing organelles within all of our cells. Human eggs contain more mitochondria than other cells because they require a lot of energy. Some believe that CoQ10 can support the functioning of eggs in the ovaries, making them less susceptible to chromosomal changes, particularly in older women. Metformin, a drug that is often given for diabetes or PCOS, may deplete CoQ10, so individuals taking metformin should also consider supplementing CoQ10 also, along with B12 & folate.
Who should consider taking it? Women trying to conceive who have low ovarian reserve. Individuals who are taking metformin.
Cautions/Considerations: Side effects are uncommon.
Vitex Agnus-Castus/Chaste tree berry: Vitex has a long history of use for fertility issues. Many sources say it helps to balance hormones, but as this is rather vague, I have sought a better explanation. It is possible that Vitex acts on the hypothalamic-pituitary axis, increasing LH and inhibiting release of FSH, indirectly increasing progesterone levels and normalizing prolactin levels.
Who should consider taking it? Women with irregular cycles or amenorrhea, particularly with low progesterone levels or elevated prolactin levels.
Cautions/Considerations: May need to be taken for 3-6 months to be effective.
DHEA: A hormone produced by the adrenals, and to a lesser extent the ovaries and testes, that is a precursor for testosterone and the estrogen hormones. Production of DHEA declines beginning in a woman’s twenties. Supplementing with DHEA appears to improve egg quality by raising androgen levels into normal range.
Who should consider taking it? Good for older women with diminished ovarian reserve.
Cautions/Considerations: Androgen levels should be monitored while taking DHEA. While it is available in the US without a prescription, man other countries require a prescription. 7 Keto DHEA, a DHEA byproduct, appears to be a safer form of DHEA, but there is no research to support it having the same fertility enhancing potential. It is used more often for its metabolic effects with weight loss.
Inositol, Myo-inositol: inositols are found in just about every tissue of the body and are important for regulating insulin and gonadotropin pathways. For fertility, inositols are important for follicle development and cellular metabolism to support a growing pregnancy.
Taking Inositol may help lower insulin, could improve egg health, and might even increase the chance of ovulation.
Who should consider taking it? Women with PCOS, which is characterized by insulin resistance and often problems with ovulation. Side benefit: often helpful for food cravings.
Cautions/Considerations: Myo-inositol is the most important form, abundant in out own tissues. A small amount of D-chiro-inositol is included in some supplements, but should be a much lower quantity (40:1). Higher doses can cause nausea and loose stools.
N-Acetylcyteine (NAC): A powerful antioxidant, NAC is a precursor to glutathione production, therefor it helps protects cells from free radical damage. NAC is often given to women with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), as it improves insulin sensitivity much like the drug metformin. Therefore, in the PCOS population, it can help restore a normal ovulatory menstrual cycle. It also appears effective in reducing endometriosis adhesions and improving pregnancy rates in women with endometriosis. N-Acetylcysteine: A Powerhouse Natural Remedy
Who should consider taking it? Women with PCOS or endometriosis. Glutathione may also be beneficial for those with MTHFR gene mutation.
Cautions/Considerations: Toxicity with high doses.
Maca: Maca has been used for centuries in the Andes to enhance fertility. It is often used to increase libido and improve sexual function. It has been studied for erectile dysfunction and sperm function with positive results. It is often said to boost energy. Maca is considered an adaptogen, which means it helps the body adapt to stress and maintain normal physiological functioning. NIH Maca Research
Who should consider taking it? Women or men with low energy, low libido, high stress, possibly with adrenal fatigue.
Cautions/Considerations: Maca is a staple of the Peruvian diet. Side effects are uncommon. Ashwaghanda is another adaptogen with similar applications.
Royal Jelly: Another super food, Royal Jelly is produced by bees, who then feed it to their young larvae and queen. It is rich in amino acids and many other nutrients. With estrogenic – like effects, it is often used for perimenopausal symptoms and well as infertility. Biological Activities of Royal Jelly
Who should consider taking it? Older women who are trying to conceive with lower estrogen.
Cautions/Considerations: Individuals allergic to bee products should not consume royal jelly.
by Dr. Amber Hincks LAcYou may have seen acupuncture in the news last week regarding a recent study published in The Journal of the American Medical Association. The study found that acupuncture might be helpful in reducing the frequency of migraines and preventing attacks. This caught my attention because migraines were one of the things that initially brought me to acupuncture when I was 19 years old. It was one of the several things that helped me, along with identifying triggers and reducing stress. Now, in my acupuncture practice, migraines and other types of headaches are one of my favorite things to treat because they really do respond well. Also, for chronic migraine sufferers, alleviation of these potentially debilitating headaches can be life changing.

So how does acupuncture work to relieve migraines and headaches more generally? With tension headaches, it is easier to explain. We select acupuncture points that release tight muscles and open up circulation. Our understanding of migraines has an added layer of both vascular and neural responses to inflammation. What this means is that blood vessels spasm during a migraine, generally dilating too much (whereas tension headaches typically involve constriction). This happens in response to different inflammatory mediators or in response to hormones or neurotransmitters. That is why triggers for migraines can be so varied.
Acupuncture can help redirect blood flow to reduce these patterns of vascular instability. Acupuncture can also help balance hormones, reduce stress and the inflammation that is an underlying cause. Then, perhaps with the help of other interventions such as herbs, identification of triggers, and some lifestyle adjustments, migraines can be a thing of the past, or at least greatly reduced.
Some tips for stopping a migraine in its tracks:
· “Warming Socks,” sometimes known as the wet sock treatment
· Taking a bath or soak feet in warm water
· Applying cold compresses to the neck (for some, warm works better)
· Turn down lights and reduce sounds
· Drink caffeinated tea
· Get some restful sleep
· Take magnesium to ease muscle tension and drink water with added electrolytes to improve hydration
by Dr. Amber Hincks LAc
When I was working in fertility clinics, the most common diagnosis given was “infertility, unexplained.” With all our diagnostic advancements, I doubt this has changed much. Sometimes there are structural impediments to fertility or genetic conditions that require significant intervention. In most other cases, such as ovulatory or hormonal disorders, suboptimal sperm parameters, endometriosis, and of course unexplained infertility, lifestyle changes can be the most impactful intervention. While diet, nutrition, and exercise should be addressed from the start, one very important factor is often overlooked despite its importance - stress management.
Stress is undeniably a huge factor in health and wellbeing, but lets get more specific about why and what is happening in our body when we are stressed, specifically in regards to fertility. And then, lets take that next step and do something about it.
Short term stimulation of the adrenals from stress, whether emotional or physical, results in the release of cortisol. Cortisol is designed to help your body deal with stressful situations, but with persistent elevated cortisol, our health begins to suffer. Over time the adrenals “burn out,” they cannot keep up, and adrenal fatigue results.
In terms of fertility, prolonged stress inhibits production of reproductive hormones, such as GnRH (gonadotropin releasing hormone), and consequently LH and FSH, important hormones that support ovulation and follicle development. Progesterone levels are often reduced because progesterone is instead used to produce more cortisol. Progesterone is important in supporting the uterine lining and consequently a pregnancy. The thyroid can also be affected, leading to hypothyroidism. These hormonal changes can lead to menstrual cycle irregularity, impaired ovulation and infertility. This effect is not limited to women. Stress can also affect sperm count, motility and morphology, or lead to impotence.
The good news is that we have control over our stress response and these changes are most often reversible.
Tips for managing stress:
· Reduce the amount of stressful obligations that you have – Reflect on how your activities are serving your higher purpose. If your job is your main source of stress, you may feel limited on making changes in this area, which is all the more reason to work on stress management skills.
· Change the way you react to stressful situations – You do have control over how you respond to stress. Start by becoming aware of your triggers and response. Can you acknowledge the fear or anger and then let it go? It takes mindfulness and practice.
· Have a practice or habit that helps with managing stress
- Get enough sleep
- Exercise or yoga
- Meditation
- Acupuncture
- Counseling
- Prayer
- Journal/Write
- Breathwork
· Consider herbal support – There are many herbs that can help manage stress. Particularly herbs that are known as adaptogens, which refers to their ability to reduce the stress response, are good choices. Ashwagandha, rhodiola, schisandra, eleuthero and lemon balm are a few examples.
by Dr. Amber Hincks LAc
I frequently enjoy smoothies in the morning. They are one of the only ways that my toddler will accept vegetables these days. But all the raw and cold ingredients are not ideal for colder seasons. According to Chinese Medicine, too much raw and cold foods can damage the digestive system and promote the production of dampness. So, I offer you my winter alternative and it is delicious! This is my son's favorite smoothie. Besides the milk, nothing in it needs to come out of the fridge, and the chai spices are warming and aid digestion. It is also full of good fats, which are so important. High in protein too. Fats nourish our tissues and along with protein, they help with muscle repair. I recommend this smoothie often to people who exercise a lot, are too slender, pregnant, breastfeeding or trying to conceive. But many of us can benefit from a breakfast with good fats and protein.
I don't usually measure anything, but here are my estimates for 1 large serving or 2 small servings.
The basics:
1 large banana
1.5 cups milk - I like to use a coconut/hemp milk blend
1-2 raw egg yolks (you can use the separated whites in a scramble)
1 Tbs heaping nut butter - sunbutter, cashew or almond butter
1 tsp chai spice blend: 30% cinnamon, 30% ginger, 15% nutmeg, 15% cardamom, 10% clove (if you want to make it yourself, or just add a pinch of each.)
Add Ins:
1/2 avocado
1 Tbs hydrolyzed collagen - collagen is great for joint health and reproductive health, high in amino acids that are difficult to find in other food sources. Your hair, nails, skin, muscles and ligaments will thank you.
Cod Liver Oil - good source of vitamins A, D and K, as well as omega-3 fatty acids
1 tsp ashwagandha powder - adaptogen herb that supports a healthy immune system
1 Tbs pumpkin butter or puree, just because it's tasty
1 tsp cacao nibs - high inantioxidants
These add ins are what I like to include, but feel free to ask us for suggestions at your next appointment. Enjoy!