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Fertility Support

Working with individuals and couples on their path to starting a family is a particular passion of mine.  I guess it comes from always knowing I wanted to be a mother.  I also started working in a fertility clinic when I was 21 years old and a couple of years later, when I attended school for Chinese Medicine, I knew this would be my specialty.  From working with those that are seeking pre-conception care before they start trying, to supporting patients who are well into their journey to parenthood (IVF, donor egg, surrogacy, miscarriage), each individual is unique in their needs.  Chinese Medicine is poised to support both our mental and physical health while focusing on treatments and techniques that enhance fertility.  It is helpful to work with a provider who knows and understands the process and the stresses and joys that lie along the way.

Want to know more?  Reach out.  I really love to talk about this stuff!  You can also learn more on the Fertility Resources page.

Fertility Support - Amber Hincks Acupuncture in Beaverton, OR

Amber Hincks offers Acupuncture in Beaverton, OR

Dr. Amber Hincks LAc FABORM
Beaverton, OR